Click on the “Sign In/Sign Up” link in the top menu. You are then redirected to the login page, you can create a new account or login with already signing up email with a password. Once you log into your account, simply click on “Start Player” button, if you are unable to see the “Start Player” button than it is indicated that your browser popup is blocked or you are using mobile browsers, after clicking “Start Player” it automatically starts playing other users videos from different networks.
It is very much simple, you just need to log in and click on the “Start Player” button and start earning TrendsViews Credits, Earned Credits you can use in your own video to gain views or plays.
Yes, We had created a unique logic to exchange views and it has 256-bit encryption for all internal data.
You just need to spend your earned TrendsViews Credit while placing the order for your other videos, You can buy credit also to start gaining views immediately.
After placing an order you can cancel it, till it is not started gaining views. You can not cancel an order once views started on your video.