The updates in favor of free plan users
Hello TrendsViews Users, TrendsViews is having some essential updates for its free plan users, Based on recent updates there are not acceptable change found
Posted on Apr 27, 2020
Hello TrendsViews Users,
TrendsViews is having some essential updates for its free plan users, Based on recent updates there are not acceptable change found and proposed to roll back the updates, and also some suggestions given by free plan users are also considered in these updates. Moreover, TrendsViews had successfully upgraded web app for all users, below are points covered in these recent updates.
1. Dedicated Server Slot for Free Plan Users
We are here to focus on making things better in that case, free users are also an essential part of trendsviews, so to sustain among views gaining task for free plan users, we decided to give them some dedicated slot to increase views gaining speed for the free plan users, hence we are excluding them from trueviews concept.
2. Free Plan users can add the unlimited unique video of 100 views
The recent update had negative feedback from free plan users, so to give them some kind of alternative, we came with again for unlimited video adding the ability for them, but users can not add already added video again if a video is already in the In-process state.
3. Users can remove the video and get credit back to their wallet
This time we are fair with free plan users and the above statement itself said that one can remove their video and pending credit can also be rollbacked to their wallet, Don't you think it is an amazing change trendsviews come up with?
We hope our updates are understood to all users. still, you can ask for more on website live chat module
TrendsViews Team